The Church in Billings

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I grew up never questioning that Jesus died for me. I learned the facts about God’s love, grace and redemption at a very early age. Still, there came a time in my very young years that I had to accept the facts as my own and experience Christ’s redemption. As I grew I had to experience His salvation from my own way of doing things, from the worldly life around me, and even from my own goodness. I found within me was the indwelling life of Christ seeking to break out of my natural living.

In college I came into contact with the local churches through a family member. I enjoyed the reality of Christ, and saw the word as something living and operative in me through the fellowship I received in the churches (Hebrews 4:12). Here I met with a handful of other believers who were meeting in oneness. We benefited greatly from contact with the books, tapes, and materials by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. Praise the Lord He continues to provide for all our needs and will finish the work which He has begun in us.
